Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yet Another Insightful Posting

I'm hard at work on my second canvas now. I told myself after painting the desert lady that I should try to avoid complexity. After hours of looking for just the right image, I settled on a picture of a group of businessmen. It's a great photo, but very complex now that I'm into it. It's coming nicely but taking a lot of time. I should have it posted sometime next week. I also watched "North By Northwest" today, the last Hitchcock thriller on my 50s list for this semester. It's been great to have an excuse for watching old films I never had seen. Hitchcock's movies are truly amazing- there's not much more to say. This one fits the action movie mode, but it full of great suspense with stunning visuals/camera shots. It's still hokey in a way that all movies from the period somehow are, but it manages to still work in 2008. I couldn't help but notice the abundance of sexual innuendo in this movie. In the context of the squeaky clean 50s, it took me by surprise more than a few times. Look for a new image soon. 

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