Monday, March 10, 2008

Movie List

I added a list of 50s films to my sidebar that I'm planning on watching this semester. I finally figured out how to use my local library and request them all for free. Pretty much every professor at the residency suggested that I view old films to get the feel of the time period and note the use of lighting and camera placement. I'm thrilled about it because I can watch all the great movies I've heard so much about but never seen! I looked at a lot of top 100 movie lists, along with oscar winners and made a list of 1950s films. Aside from some of the other musicals and a few Disney movies, the only one I'd seen on the all-time list from the period was "Singin' in the Rain", which is dazzling even if musicals drive you nuts. The shear talent of the actors is mind-blowing. I defy any hollywood actor to do what Gene Kelly does... Are you reading this Keanu Reeves?

I watched "Bridge on the River Kwai" last night. A great film I've always wanted to see for a long time. Alec Guiness is fantastic and it was a pleasure to watch it on wide-screen DVD with restored color. The use of light and the placement of actors within the frame on long uncut scenes really stood out to me. Also, watching a period film really does take you back and put you in a different mindset.

I'd love to get some othe suggestions if you have them.

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