Wednesday, March 19, 2008

new image / "Rear Window"

Here's the newest image- I've been playing around with compositions to complicate the figures and blur the backgrounds- I'm not sure what I think of this one- in the photo it was a stand of trees and I figured putting them in there would take away from the figures.... the experimentation moves on. I'm starting to narrow
 down which images I'm going to make into canvas paintings. This one is probably a no but I still have a few more studies to make.

On another note, I watched Hitchcock's "Rear Window" last night- His use of continuous camera angles and viewpoints was simply amazing. He also shows nearly the whole movie from Jimmy Stewart's viewpoint, so he make the audience the voyeur. For 1954 this had to be groundbreaking. From an artistic standpoint its nearly flawless, and from a subject standpoint it tackles themes of privacy, ethical responsibility, romance, and sexuality in pointed ways that are absolutely relevant today- all in  a very entertaining way. 

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